waoh !!!
Today your creative writing will alert others to one of your many hidden talents.
Access the spiritual side of your nature. The material world is only part of your existence. Ask yourself how you're serving your spirit and others while you're here on the planet. What is your cosmic task?
I think this was an awesome Horoscope, and i really thought i should share it. I always wondered what our purpose was on this planet, and in this case its referring to serving my spirit(soul) and others. This goes back to my Hinduism belief, you live 7 times, every time your on this planet it's a test. You're to cleanse your soul and do the right thing (being honest, not hurting people, killing other living things, being a vegetarian (lol, suck on that you non-vegs), all around doing the right thing), this sorta runs along the line of Christianity with the commandments, but they don't talk about your spirit/soul moving on or I'm not aware of it. Every time your tested and you follow the golden rules, you move up the ladder thus achieving enlightenment, if you fail to do so and commit sins then you stay and are reborn into another similar life. If you really go over board and commit the most horrific and live your life ruthlessly then you move down the ladder, its pretty self explanatory. I'm running out of time here, i need to prepare for a meeting so leave you thoughts/comment of your purpose on this planet.