Macy's One Day Sale!!! SCAM
Macy a huge tycoon, manages to rip of customers, its obvious that a company markets and plan the SALE according to their advantage, they are NOT going to give away anything at a reasonable price. They make sure they get the MOST out of YOUR wallet! So here's a marketing scheme they are currently using, and i was a victim of it today. Today was a One Day Sale! They also printed these Ads with $10 of your $25 or more purchase, they also have 20% of your purchase coupons if you use your Macy's card, but these 2 offers can't be combined, you can only use $10 off 25 or 20% off your purchase. If you are a smart consumer you would calculate the amount you are going to spend, if its close to $25 then use the $10 off, if you are buying something that is more than $100 you would use the 20% off.
Like a smart consumer i went in today with few $10 off your $25 purchase, and i got few items, i calculated the cost, i did 2 shirts (priced at $49/$59, on clearance for $29.99 and when you take it to one of those price scanners it reads $14.50 [mind you it was on the clearance rack (50/65% off)]) So I'm looking at around $29 for the 2 item i figured I'd use the $10 off $25. Take it to the register and i asked the Macy's employee, will i be able to use $10 off $25 and she said "yeah sure"... "do you have the coupon with you".. i added "yes i do". Then she scans my item, then scans my $10 off $25... "sorry its not taking it, it won't take off some of the name brand items". I went to Macys, i spent an 1hr looking for things to buy... i waited 10-15m in line to get what i wanted... and what do you know.. the price i thought i had in mind was not what i was going to pay at the register... BUMMER... is all of this just a coincidence? NO!!!!!!
The prices are already jacked up, then they slap on a clearance tag, throw it on the 50/65% off rack (i go looking for bargains, i can't imagine how people buy things at regularly priced, my bank balance isn't as big as others).
Detail of the scheme: They print these $10 off $25, people go crazy for them.. WOW $10 off, so if i buy $25.. I'm getting it for $15. One, nothing in the store will add up to exactly $25, you might as well go around $30 or more. Then the Macy's employees are trained to avoid as much $10 off $25 as possible, I'm sure there are few accepted here and there, so NOT every single customer that walks in doesn't go without $10 to cover themselves and their ad, everyone that walks in with a $10 off $25 should receive that discount. The way the ad is designed, is to get you into Macy's and spend your money, in hopes your going to find great deals and save money. The way the Macy's employees are trained is that they don't scan the $10 correctly, there is a way to accept the coupon and when they pretend to scan it and deny it you just lost your self the $10 discount, the whole reason why you came to Macy's in the first place, again going back to spending the hour in store looking for bargains, waiting in line, etc. When you are the register and they decline your $10 off you just want to buy your stuff and get out of there and end up paying the regular amount. That is what happened to me today, i made 3 different transaction and with 2 different Macy's employees and they both declined my $10 off $25. What they should have done is scanned in my items, hit "check out" then scan in my $10 off and it would have accepted, but they know what they were doing, they fake scan it and tells me "it won't take it", "sorry this items are not for $10 off" and so on.
Thanks for the rip off, i'll keep that in mind next time i'm at Macy's and everyone that goes to shopping at Macy's or anywhere with a discount or coupon make sure they honor it.
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