Its been a while since i haven't updated. I suppose its time now, I start my classes today; i'm a bit excited at the same time know that in a month or so i'm gonna wish i wasn't in school. I'm hoping it won't be so bad, since my classes consist of the follwing courses: Multimedia Tech I, Spanish II, Stress Management, and last but not least Computer Animation. I'm definately looking forward to 3 classes, beside Spanish II, I already kind of have an idea of what it will be like. I'm hoping that i'll like Multimedi Tech I and Computer Animation, and Stress Management can't be too stressful? Haha
This is begining to be a very strange and different day, while driving my way to work, i heard my Horoscope on the radio. It went something along the line of "Capricorn, you will be starting a new chapter, something new...etc" So i said aloud, ya starting a new Semester today, could that be it? or is there more that lies ahead? only time will tell.
What is the answer to life?