Here is something I came up with recently and it was created based on my theory (to submit and be posted on, but I'm not sure if it qualifies as a theory, call it whatever you want, I just thought I would share it on my page as well.
What are we?
How do we really define our origin?
Where did we come from?
Is everything we know true? God, History, Belief, Culture, Religion?
There are many answer to the above question, but what is the real answer, maybe this theory is too broad, but many of us ponder these question in the back of our minds, but never really face them nor discuss them. Maybe because we don't have an answer, another way to look at this is would be. "what is the answer to life", Why do we work hard our whole life, day after day, and struggle through survival? WHY? What will we achieve? What do we see through our eyes everyday? Mind (memory), what is Death, What are Ghosts, what are Dreams, What are we doing on this planet? Surviving? we all know we will die one day, why do we struggle through life and die? to achieve happiness, what is happiness? If there is happiness why is there evil? If bullets are made to kill people or hurt someone (or something), why do we make them?
I guess it all boils down to: We are animals, Smartest on the planet, but how smart are we really? I guess from the knowledge we achieve in our life, through history and science, we have learned that this planet is a piece broken of a star (space), This planet was born, germs and bacteria were born, mammals and species..and so on everyone knows the story dinosaurs & the big bang, and then came the humans? is that all really true? How can we be sure? do we have a time machine that we went back and saw everything happen. This brings the argument that well scientist and archeologist have figured out through science and all that crap, but how can we be sure? Since we have based our history on Science & archeologist, then what is god, how does that fit into that story? If there is such thing as god, the all mighty, the creator, how can He/she bring evil? If god is the creator of all, did he/she create evil? If you really open you eyes and look at the whole world, religion, race, cultures, etc. What do we see? I'm blinded, even when I pray, I don't even know what I'm praying to, I don't have any answers, and I ask "god" but how will I ever find those answers? Through my life? When will I see god? after I die? why not while I'm alive? what proof do we have what happens after death? To make the human race be comfortable with death, did we create this god and heaven? Again I don't have answers to any of these and I can go on and on, I guess this is a start.
Update: I will be changing the layout again, and I’m thinking of going all flash. So that would mean, less pages & less items on my site. I still haven’t started, but I’m sure that’s the road I’m headed toward. I am brain storming some ideas, but not really sure what it will be, Yet.
Check back later.
p.s. I found my 1st web site, ever created. LoGaN's PaGe