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    Friday, July 02, 2004
    T r i C k
    I call it the Pepsi trick, since I'm almost always drinking Pepsi in the can. Here's how you do the trick, before i get started i want to add, some of you may already know this trick, but for those who don't here how to perform it. Get a 12oz can(standard), preferably Pepsi in my case. The cans about 5inch tall, so what you want to do is, drink 4inch(or 3/4) of the drink. Leaving about 1inch left in the can. Now here's the tricky part, you have to tilt the can about 45 degree, try to hold it and balance it with two hands till the "can" can stay on its own. Don't be rough with the can, since there is some beverage remaining in the can which will move around and cause the can to be unstable. So if you done it correctly you should have a neat can trick, if for some reason it does not work, it maybe cuz the amount of drink still left in the can might not be the correct measurement you have to play with it and you'll get it. It amazes me every time i do it, and its so cool to have it tilt at 45 degree and look at it from a distant, amaze co-workers during lunch and impress your friends and family at home with the Pepsi Trick.
    Do you know any tricks that you want to share?
    If so, post it in the comment

    P.s. speaking of Pepsi, and if you happen to drink Pepsi, you might have noticed the promotional bottles and other promotional items which have the Billionsweeps Codes, the one's I've been collecting are under the yellow caps of the bottles. its a 10 digit code. If you happen to have it laying around or come by one in the near future please email me those codes. Thank you in advance for your generosity.